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Miel de Sidr (Jujubier) pur (450 gm) - Pure Sidr Honey with royal jelly - عسل السدر Dietetique Coup de coeur
Prix public : 29,90 €
- Notre prix (avec la remise -5%) :
28,41 €
Santé & Diététique

Miel de Sidr (Jujubier) pur (450 gm) - Pure Sidr Honey with royal jelly -

Miel d'une pureté et d'une qualité incomparable, au goût unique, aux riches propriétés.

Miel de jujubier des montagnes nord du Pakistan, connu pour ses bienfaits naturels.

Le miel de Sidr est réputé bon pour :

  • les problèmes de foie,
  • les ulcères d'estomac,
  • les infections respiratoires,
  • les maladies résultant de la malnutrition,
  • les problèmes digestifs,
  • la constipation,
  • les maladies oculaires,
  • les plaies infectées et des brûlures,
  • les plaies chirurgicales (y compris les césariennes),
  • favoriser la récupération rapide après l'accouchement,
  • faciliter les menstruations,
  • mélangé à des plantes diverses il peut être utilisé contre l'épilepsie,
  • renforcer le système immunitaire,
  • promouvoir la santé et la vitalité générale.

Sidr Honey is purely natural. It is obtained from the bee hives located in Northern areas mainly Mehra Shareef and Karak district of Pakistan. The rich and fertile land of these areas is famous for natural Sidr tree cultivations.

Sidr Mountain honey is made from bees who only feed on the nectar of the Sidr tree (Sidr tree is also known as Jujube tree). It is special because it is 100% pesticide free, The Sidr tree is considered sacred and has been used as a natural medicine for centuries.

Real Sidr honey is also rare. Its harvested twice a year, once in the summer, and once in the winter. The bees feed exclusively on the nectar from the Sidr tree, which grows in the mountainous. And as they have been doing for the last 7000 years, farmers venture up into the mountains to collect their prized Sidr honey.

Health benefits of Sidr Honey

Our ancestors knew the healing benefits of honey and it is once again becoming a popular natural, alternative medicine. The use of honey as medicine is well documented in Ayurvedic and Yunani medicine.

The Sidr tree has been historically sacred and it has been used to promote health and healing in various ways. Sidr honey is a known anti-biotic and anti-bacterial agent and there are many benefits that can be had from including it into your diet.

Some common medicinal uses for Sidr honey are:

  • Sidr honey is used as a treatment for sinus problems
  • Cough and Cold
  • Sore Throat
  • Used as a wound dressing
  • Stomach ulcers and other Stomach ailments
  • Digestive Problems
  • Sidr honey is used as an aphrodisiac
  • Boosts immune system
  • Sidr honey is the best potent and natural aphrodisiac with no side effects.
We claim that Hemani Sidr Honey is:
  • Pure
  • Raw
  • Natural
  • Un-heated and Unfiltered (wax is cleaned by passing through filters only, heating is strongly avoided as slightest heat can destroy the natural properties of Sidr honey).
  • Un- adulterated
  • Pesticide free



Voir toutes les images : Voir
Type de produit : Diététique
Modèle ou Format : 450 g - Boite 7 x 8,5 x 13 cm
Marque : Hemani
EAN : 8964000577325
Référence produit : REF. 26564
Disponibilité : Disponible en stock
Voir la liste de tous les produits de la catégorie : Miels & Préparations

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